Why Meditate + Guided Awareness Meditation

Last week I taught a class for my brokerage on meditation. As our world continues to move at a fast pace and we are always turned on or connected via our devices, meditation has become a very popular topic. What I want to share with you though is that meditation isn't limited to sitting in silence with no thoughts. It's a much bigger experience that is available to you every single day! 🙌

As I prepared for the class, I looked up the dictionary definition of meditation:
"Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state."

Notice that it doesn't have a defined "technique"... It can truly be as simple as taking a moment to breathe deeply and connect to yourself. Connecting to yourself connects you to your SOUL. Your inner wisdom, inner truth, inner strength, and inner knowing. This is always available to you because it’s within you. ✨

Why do you want to introduce a meditative practice into your day?

Because it brings clarity, alignment, and connection to self... And applies to both real life, real estate, or whatever else you face in your day-to-day.

Allows you to quiet the monkey mind and learn your inner truth. With my clients, this helps us stay clear on the ultimate goal and not get sidetracked by things that aren't your truth while selling or buying a home. In daily life this clarity may show up as an inner knowing that a rude comment from someone is their bad day and not your truth, allowing you to stay centered.

Puts you in flow, strengthens your knowing, and life becomes effortless. We all know alignment... It's that feeling when you're having a REALLY good day. There's no line at the coffee shop, you get a parking spot with ease, all of your work calls or meetings go smoothly, and everything just flows. Meditation allows you to harness that power and make those days happen more! In real estate, the alignment shows up in finding the house or getting the perfect offer seemingly effortlessly, even against all odds in a low inventory market.

Connection to Self
Creates a positive internal environment and actually reprograms the brain. It's a known fact that our brains are wired to scan for threats, but this isn't applied well to our modern-day lives. Something as simple as a daily gratitude practice where you ask yourself 3 things you're grateful for AND WHY assists in changing your internal environment to be more positive as you start scanning for the good in your day to answer that question again tomorrow. This positive internal environment helps you shift out of feeling like something may go wrong or reacting when small things happen during the transaction. Instead, you know that everything is going to be ok.

Whether you introduce a meditative or gratitude practice while you’re brushing your teeth, while at a stoplight, or during a full-blown morning ritual... It’s not the how, it’s the doing. The practice.⁣

At the end of the class, I led a guided meditation on awareness that I'm sharing below. It's only 7.5 minutes and easy to follow along, even if you're a first-time meditator.

Click here to listen now. 👇

Drop a comment below or email me with any questions or to share what you do to tap into your inner calm, self-love, and peace! 🙏

With love and light,